Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Two Personal Statements?

Fellow Writers
Those of you that are currently writing your Personal Statement, I feel your pain.  Texas A&M asked me to send another personal statement updating them on my recent medically related activities. I'll be honest loud and clear... writing is not my forte.

So, those of you that are writing your first, keep it up. What helps me write is if I have a clear purpose as I begin. I've been working on my outline for this second personal statement longer than usual.  I believe taking time and thinking in depth about the outline will allow me to get my mind in the right place to then begin writing.

Good News/Good Contact
I volunteer twice a month at a place where the former Texas Tech Dean's of Admission works. He is always asking me  if I've heard anything from Tech. I told him today that I was thinking about attending the re-applicant seminar. Then he said, "Maybe I'll just have to whisper is someone's ear".  I would love.  At this point I think it would do some good whereas in the initial application phase I don't know how much that would have helped, as Tanner said in his guest post.

I feel good. I have done all I can do and will continue to do whatever is asked of me to get in. This kind of commitment is necessary for Medical School. I'm come to realize that getting into Medical School is just the beginning of a long road of difficulties. 

All for what?

For the opportunity to help others' improve and prolong their life.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Bro, I think you're right on track! That's cool about A&M inviting you to write another personal statement. I've never heard of that before, so it must mean they're really interested in what you've been doing. If I were you I would get it to them as soon as you possibly can (not at the expense of quality of course.) The reason is, the next round of evaluations could be any day and you don't want them to miss out on your awesome personal statement.

    just some food for thought....
