Wednesday, July 20, 2011


July 20, 2011

There was so much which I wanted to share that happened today but time will not permit.  I met with Dr. E. as was referred to me by Dr. A. from Provo.  It was a most productive meeting.  Here was what all happened from it:
I received 3 other names from Dr. E. whom I could contact for work and admissions help.
I learned from Dr. E. (who is actually on the admissions committee) the types of questions interviewers will ask.
I met two other Dr.'s, J. and well as had lunch with Dr. J. and met an intern Phil and a 4th year Kim.  It was fun talking with them at lunch and hearing their advice.  What a blessing.
I also met up with my friend Austin for another lunch and met three of his colleagues Justin, Charles and Jessie. I met the son of the dean of the medical school and said his dad really likes to meet with prospective students...that made me very excited.

I have been blessed beyond comprehension. I believe at this time it is best to realize these contacts are not to simply be a friend until acceptance, I hope to maintain a relationship with these individuals throughout my medical career and throughout my life.  What a great network of friends I have and what incredible help I have had thus far.

And there you have it, everything I wanted to say and I did.  Wonderful.  See how things just work out?!
Keep the faith. You can do this. I know you can.

-Michael Lon Henderson who's in the medical profession to serve other people.

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