2:35 p.m.
Rachel was behind the computer I didn't want to be the first one to see it.
"Is it up?" I asked.
She said it was still loading...then all of a sudden she said, "IT'S UP! IT'S UP!"
Feelings of anxiousness and excitement and interpretation of what her words sounded like so I could know the score, all swelled within me. Immediately I asked as was planned,
"Is it a 28?"...'Prepare yourself Michael. This is the score you thought you would get, be happy about it. Even if you get lower you worked your tail off. Holy Cow! Cow's aren't holy, but oh well, what did I get' I thought all of this in a split second.
"GO HIGHER! GO HIGHER!"she said. Rachel was bouncing on the seat next to me.
I got all excited. "29!?"
'What the heck! I've gotta see this! No way!' I thought. Looking at the monitor I saw the familiar 22 on the screen of what I got last year. Above that old score I saw a 30!!!!
"HOLY COW! HOLY COW! ARE YOU SERIOUS? 30." I said as I looked at the score.
Immediately tears welled within my eyes. The most gratitude I think I've ever felt all at once rushed into my heart. Rachel and I embraced and I cried.
"We did it" I said.
Rachel looked into my eyes and said, "Know matter what that score said I would always love you. But honey, that is awesome!"
All those 13 hour days, 65 hr. weeks, hundreds of flashcards, study sessions, 4 hr. reading comprehension drill sessions and a multitude of other learning activities paid off. What a relief and blessing. Boo yeah!
As I write this I am literally humbled to the core of my feelings. I feel my score isn't "My Score" it is the result of family members' prayers and fasting. It is the result of hours spent studying with others which helped me learn and develop critical thinking skills. It is the result of books written by other authors, programs like Altius, professors that always believed in my like Reuben Rhees and Dr. Seegmiller. My success is not my success. My success is the success of many loving and caring individuals of which contributed to this final outcome. But this success sure feels sweet.
Off to some restaurant. Rachel and I are celebrating!
-Michael Lon Henderson (future Dr.)
THIS IS SO WONDERFUL!!!!!! WHAT A GREAT SCORE!!! I am excited for the harvest of you two and never doubted that your "tenacity" would pay off.