Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Being a Husband and Summer Vacation

Everything is in!!!
Rachel was a huge help to me and together we completed three secondary applications:
1) Texas College of Osteopathic Medicine
2) UT Southwestern in Dallas
3) Texas A&M

I am grateful and excited to head off to Powell, worry free and careful as ever to stay safe.  I will and I will love it.  What a nice relief.  A little shout out to all those who have been praying for me and routing for me. I can feel the support. Off to bed, and off to Phoenix!

Also:  Today Rachel and i went in for the 32 week ultra sound. That was a treat. I am excited to be a doctor. Rachel is doing so well with the pregnancy. Boy was it fun asking the doctor all sorts of questions as she monitored the fetus and found every single body part of our little boy.  I am always amazed at technology and with how much there is to know about children and the human body.

-Michael Lon Henderson

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