I have been making entries in my journal about medical experiences which have increased my desire to be a doctor. These entries will provide insight into my thoughts and feelings towards reaching that ultimate goal of becoming a physician and provider for my family...
Jan. 3, 2011
Today I became excited once again to prepare for the MCAT. I have realized that every bit of study helps for that test and the strategies and ability to conseptually understand a concept will help in so many ways. I began by opening up chapter 1 in my altius book. I am pretty much thrilled to continue my studies. I 've already got written down each of the weekly strategies and beginning my notebook for memorization and other modes of repitition. I plan on folowing the program to the T. I will be successful . I will score high ton the MCAT. I will be successful. I have the perfect brain to score well on this test! I know I can I know I can I know I can, with the Lord's help. Good Night!
Jan 4, 2011
First day of School. Boo yeas. I am excited for this semester. Anatomy will be tough! I am happy I am with my wife. I am happy that we have a place to live and I am happy I got a hair cut tonight by my lovely wife. She is so great to do that for me! I am grateful for her!
Great. Night.
-Michael Lon Henderson
March, 30, 2011
Today was fascinating at the ER, this is my 4th time being there and it is getting to the point where I absolutely love being there and look forward to getting to work every week!
Today I learned
Nasal C* (the tube they stick through their nose)
Co-tape? (the wrapping they put around a bandage on a limb)
I learned that Melmer's been in the ER for 4 yrs. Jessica just finished a book. Kelly was my anatomy TA, Saun is from New York (real NY, South of Albany). Allison is on her last 8 days of rotations as a nurse and will then be taking the NCLEX here soon. I loved transporting patience, getting to know people and leraning more about how to be useful in the ER. I hope I'm not a burden but an available helper and contributer to the smooth opporations of the ER. I love it!
March, 31, 2011
One day before April fools. That means one more month until Texas applications can be turned in. Tomorrow I've got an anatomy test which will be a doozy. I'm preparing all morning and I'm thinking about missing my other classes to prepare for it. I just have got to learn this stuff. Hopefully before 8 I'll have gone through everything. It was a blessed day. So warm and sunny! I loved it.
Oh! We home taught Jordan Morris on Campus. It was special. I was happy to do that.
April 13, 2011
TO be put in here soon is my experience at the ER today as I realized why not all doctors/nurses are happy…
April 20, 2011
Tonight was a great night. I volunteered for 2 hours and then shadowed another doctor (Dr. Davis) for another hour and a half. Interesting investment decision as I have a brutal final tomorrow morning and I have to study like a beast for it, yet I really want to watch this small surgery which he was performing on a little boy who's finger got smashed pretty well. I hope the kid has a good night and is ok. What a precious gift little children are. I am excited for my Son to be born and to raise this youngin. I love my wife. I saw a lady that was there (a little older and very talkative) who was a wife of a surgeon. I have to go to bed, I'll be waking up at 4:-) tomorrow to begin studying. I've got to absolutely rock this test. I know I will with the Lord's help. Night.
-Michael Lon Henderson
April 26th, 2011
Today I shadowed Dr. Abrams, a Pediatric Ophthalmologist. I have made a pretty firm decision that I would like to work with children! I would also like to work with eyes. Pediatric Ophthalmology seems to be up my alley. I saw a BB gun injury (Kid looked down a barrel of an air-soft gun!), Soccer ball in the face and simple examinations as well. I learned that one can become very proficient at certain procedures and fly thorough the routine check-ups. It would be important not to miss anything in that quickness, yet it can still be done.
I liked chillin in his office with him talking about our decision to move to Texas, what would be good to do for a job down there and how to network and work it so I can get the best opportunities possible. One word of advice he gave me was, "Don't mess yourself over by saying too much" I think the problem is when I'm talking to doctors I worry so much about what I'm going to say that I don’t think about it enough and then say really weird things. Like when I shadowed/followed around Dr. Davis at the ER, I remember saying some really stupid things. It was pretty weird. Nonetheless, I am working hard at becoming a more proficient and educated medically minded individual. I will shadow doctors and pick apart their brains without offending them and I will become an individual that Doctor's like to chat with and find joy in sharing their insights and valuable information. I look forward to being in Surgeries with Dr. Abrams on Thursday and learning from him.
This is fun to read your entries...thanks for posting! I know you can accomplish anything you set your mind to do...GO MICHAEL!!!!!