Sunday, April 10, 2011


I have no followers of my blog, so basically I am entering posts in hope that one day others may learn from my current experiences along their journey toward Medical School. I hope to instill an inner drive to help them push through their difficulties and accomplish their goals.
Since January I have been studying for the MCAT.  January and February were awesome months as I was able to complete roughly 15 hour weeks studying for the MCAT. March and April have been a slightly different story because of an increased emphasis on obtaining my first 4.0 of my college career. I have never studied this effectively in my life for school. It feels as if I'm completely prepared for the exams and for class. This semester has been an effective culmination of study habits.  This last week and a half of school I will continue to solely focus on school.  I WILL obtain a 4.0 with the Lord's help!!

Rachel and I have been talking a lot about our next move toward Medical School. A few days ago I felt strongly the burden of being a husband and a future father.  I realized more clearly my responsibility as a husband and future father to presiding over our family in love and righteousness (being home), providing for our family (this was the main source of feeling the burden), and protecting our family.  Along those lines we have made the decision to move to Lubbock Texas, home of Buddy Holiday, the land which we feel is rich with opportunities for us; opportunities to raise a righteous family, opportunities to bring to others the light of the restored gospel of Jesus Christ and opportunities for me to learn how to provide for our family by being a Doctor.  I feel that it is my calling to be a doctor.  I want more than anything else, to get calls in the middle of the night from others in need. I want to be that help and to be as qualified as possible to alleviate physical ailments as possible!

Our most immediate plans to getting into medical school include:
April 22, Graduate from Brigham Young University with a Bachelors in Exercise Science and a Business Minor
April 23-June 16, study for the MCAT, no job, no research, crank the studying to obtain a 33.
May 2, Apply to Texas Medical Schools
June 1, Apply to a few other medical schools to show Texas we're serious about getting in!
June 28th, move to Lubbock Texas.
July 2011-July 2012, establish Texas residency, work full-time (save enough to sustain our family financially throughout medical school...I know, it's a very lofty goal.  But hey, it could happen.)

I love my family and friends. I have felt the power of others prayers for me throughout this last year especially and know, above all, that whatever I am able to achieve in life, it's because of God, because without Him, we would not even be here!

-Michael Lon Henderson



  1. YAY! Finally a post! Even though you say you have no followers, yours is one of the blogs I consistently check...and I'm always inspired! So thanks for posting. You are AMAZING and will be a wonderful provider for your family Mike. No worries there. AND of course an amazing husband and father. I can't wait to see you in action!! LOVE YOU!

  2. Hello Mr. Tenacity! I am now a follower of your blog and I am always checking, so keep posting! I just want to know what is that picture you have on your blog: a lizard, a snake, a hippo....???

  3. I'm following now too! Let's strategize on how you'll earn $$ to sustain your family through medical school. That would be a huge blessing! Maybe I can ride your coat tails and create some ancillary income to whittle away at our student loans.

    Love you brother!

