Monday, June 28, 2010

Anniversary and Applications

What a weekend we had! St. George bike ride with Momma Carrie and Dad. They both knocked our socks off with their skills and pizaz. We just loved life. We re-enacted our sealing as we performed sealings for the deseased in the St. George Temple. We enjoyed a fun drive down to Las Vegas, dinner at The Cheesecake Factory and Phantom of the Opera at the Venetian. Boy we sure loved it. Mom and Dad were so kind to letting us stay at their place. We enjoyed being there for two nights and talking, laughing, and being with them. Great food, great company, great fun. What a perfect Anniversary!


  1. Wow what a fun anniversary! Doing sealings on that special day is always fun :) You two are the cutest!!

  2. The only reason we're cut is because we have you and Robierto as an example Jess.
