Tuesday, July 27, 2010

I've got my MCAT scores and a bum leg

MCAT score 22

I am in the position to apply to DO school but in no way able to apply to MD schools. So today after manipulating difficulties in my Osteoarthritis Research Lab as new Lab manager, I spent great time working on my personal statement. It isn't as medically focused as i would like but I believe it outlines many attributes I have and wish to be known by.

My leg is currently in a splint. I dislocated it (fortunately didn't break it) while I was "trampollining" at the Progressive tumbling in Springville. It was crazy. I was on the trampoline's with my cousin Ryan and I was tired but having a good time. We were throwing some plush balls into small holes and I came down on one. I remember immediately collapsing and grabbing my ankle. "OH!" I yelled. I looked at my ankle and probably had the most puzzled look on my face. My ankle was stuck and a complete 90* angle to my leg. It was crazy. I hoped off of the tramp and told Ryan to grab Taylor. Taylor wasn't there. I went to the open place and tried moving the ankle myself...no luck. So I pointed to the manager of the gym and then I pointed to Ryan and asked them to help me to the car. Sarah, my 15 year old sister, very cautiously drove us all to the ER where i was attended to very well by Dr. Christensen. I felt bad because the first question I asked him when he entered was, "Are you a MD or a DO?" He looked at me and with reassuring confidence replied, "MD". I don't even know why I asked. I am going to be a DO most likely. Anyway, after a wonderful sedative and great technique the Dr. Christensen was able to put back my ankle into the right place. I will be honest, it has been a difficult last few weeks, not having in my applications to Medical school, moving, being promoted to Lab Manager and now dislocating my ankle but I will say that all in all I have learned what it's like to be handicapped and I have felt the sustaining influence of the Savior's love. I love Him and will always put my trust in Him!

1 comment:

  1. You're amazing brother. That ankle looks crazy :) But it will be better in no time. Just make sure you work it every day! (ABCs at least twice!)
