Monday, June 14, 2010

It's a Battle

After riding my bike home a little more slowly than usual and after having a great Family Home Evening with three other couple friends, i am a little more calm and my thoughts are more gathered. Today I got a 25 on my MCAT test. That's a little scary to me. I have one more day of studying to do before I have a rest day and then take my test. I really don't know what to say. I have worked as hard as possible and I have done what has been asked. I have listened to my MCAT playlist on my I-pod at least a half a dozen times through and have been studying and preparing for months.

My thoughts today were this: There must be laws associated with learning. If I desire to learn about the process of Cellular Metabolism than according to my brain, there are laws that I must obey so that the process of Cellular Metabolism will remain in my mind and I will be able to recall it whenever I would like. These laws must be obeyed and I must do all within my power to fulfill them so that I might have that result. These are my thoughts. I have done maybe half of what it takes to have the knowledge I need to perform well on the test. Tomorrow I will work my guts out. I will review strategy and play over the events in my head.

I like what these struggles are doing to my mind, my determination and my capacity. I hope that this drives me closer to the Savior and the Heavenly Father. I hope these struggles will enable me to contribute to other's success and allow me to benefit others' mortal sojourn. For this reason I am keeping this log and doing my best to record my accurate feelings and thoughts about this whole process.
The biggest motivation I would give myself if I were to give myself advice would be to trust in the Lord and be confident. Ok.


1 comment:

  1. Amen brotha! Tenacity...that is what you are Michael. You embody tenacity and are going to do amazing things in life because of that! I love you and am praying for you test!!
