Thursday, January 26, 2012

Comparing Yourself to Others: Don't Get Down

Story:  I received an e-mail today from a friend that I went to school with at BYU. I was his TA for Physiology and we had hung out a few times during College. He told me that he's most likely going to TCOM.  He asked me for some Texan advice about getting residency and eventually getting the Texans Tuition.  I was happy to hear from him and eager to reply to his e-mail, however; it seemed like he'd already been accepted whereas I have not yet heard anything.  It made me sort of nervous and scared.  I had thoughts come into my head like: "What if I don't get in?" and "He already knows he's in, is it too late for me?".

I took some breaths and took a step back to look at the big picture.
- I have interviewed at two Medical Schools
- There are still 4 months to find out about Medical School acceptance
- One of the school's I've applied to, A&M, has only accepted 144 so far

It's not as bad as I think it is.  I have worked very hard to get where I am. Although many of my friends have had many more interviews that I, and already gotten into Medical School, I have done my best and I should be proud of that. It will pay off.

Comparing your own results to the results of those around you usually gives you false self confidence or discourages you. Chart YOUR own goals, progress, and commitment for excellence. 

In doing this I believe you will be more confident, more committed, and more pleased with whatever becomes of you. I moved from a 22 MCAT to a 30 MCAT. My buddies got 38's, 32's, and 34's. If I were to compare my score to their's, then I might not be as happy. That's why I don't compare with them. I look at my accomplishments for what they're worth.  That helps me to keep moving forward.

-small caveat: Focus on you're own efforts but also be sure they're up-to-par. While scoring a 15 and then a 22 on the MCAT is a great jump of accomplishment, I don't know if that will get you into medical school.  I know this small caveat is obvious and goes without saying...but I just had to say it.

"Goals are the fuel in the furnace of achievement." -Brian Tracy
 Keep setting goals, relentlessly work towards those goals, and relish in your success.


Kenyan photo story:
Texas Residency info:

1 comment:

  1. Yeah!!!! I finally found your blog! I love it and am excited to follow. Keep on Keeping ON!!!!
