Monday, July 18, 2011

Anticipating My MCAT Score

The Anticipated day is fast approaching.

July 18th, 2011
I get my MCAT score tomorrow.  I haven't been nervous for the past two weeks after learning, or feeling, that I know what I got.  I feel like I got a 28.  I have no idea.  Anything less than that would be sad to me and anything higher...well, I don't really entertain those thoughts.

I have already played it out in my head many times how it will go over. Rachel will check the computer for the test score. I will sit a ways from the computer and ask, "Is it what I guessed?"  if she says yes, well, ok.  If she says no then I will ask, "Is it lower?" if yes, I will look and most likely already be planning in my head how I will begin studying again (not very exciting idea to me at all). If she says no, it is not lower, then I will immediately jump over to the computer and look at the score and swing her in the air.  I would be absolutely ecstatic. We will soon find out.

(It is so weird to me that I have absolutely no idea what I got.  My next post will have the score. I will know in less than 24 hours. I am not nervous, this is just surreal.  I will find out soon what my score is.  Despite what the score says I know I gave this test my best shot. I sacrificed many weekends, full 13 hour days and some sleepless nights to do well. Along those lines I WILL get into medical school. Whatever the cost, I am committed and willing to do whatever it takes, speak with whoever I must and continue sacrificing at great lengths. My only hope and ultimatum is if my family begins to decline, it's over and being a doctor is not worth it to me. For this reason I married such an incredible women and I have also chosen to look at medical work as ways to build the Lord's Kingdom and that is the reason why I am continuing through with medicine. I desire to serve the Lord's kingdom and I feel medicine is one of the most effective avenues for me to do such.

Amen. - Michael Lon Henderson

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