Thursday, July 14, 2011

Job Search, Opthalmology

July 14th, 2011

Today I wanted to report that I made a very bold step. Backing up a bit, yesterday I completed my medical resume and made 20 copies of it. While on my way to drop off my first, I received a phone call from a gal named Lauren. She was responding to a call I had made the day before about working at the Ophthalmology department as a tech there at the Texas Tech Health Science Center. She was very positive and included some hints that I might find helpful as I search for a job.  Rachel, upon finding out I received this returned call, suggested I visit the office and just hand them a resume and get to know them a little bit.  Well, today I did just that. It got a little tricky because when I showed up at the Ophthalmology department they didn't know a Lauren and the hiring lady. Came out to meet me. Her name was Gale and it was good speaking with her. Her eyes were a little darty and I was thinking that I had been a little hasty in my decision to come straight to the office but I was able to ask her what qualities she is looking for the most and what I could do to stand out. (I think me alone being there was standing out a little bit).  Anyway that was good…but it gets better.

I still had 20 minutes before I was to go to work. Walking around the HSC I found the administration office. I walked in the large wooden doors and walked past the dean of the medical school's office and I saw many other important people's office. That felt very neat to me. By asking around I was able to find the admissions office. I walked in and asked for  Louis, the receptionist was sure to show me and I was able to have a good talk with Louis Perez. It was good and short but if anything nice to get to meet him and express my desire to attend medical school there. I think I was able to talk to them a little bit about a book on his desk and try to get to know him as well. It was fun and I anticipate a few more activities such as those which will help me in some way or the other get into medical school.  I pray I am led to do those things that help. I am sure that when I get in, it will be by the skin of my teeth….but nonetheless, I will get in.

-Michael Lon Henderson

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