Thursday, June 9, 2011


While preparing myself mentally to take my Practice test today I somehow ran across some past blog entries which I have never posted. I think it would be wise to post them now at this time as I approach this most pivitol moment in my journey towards becoming a doctor. I will attach them chronologically. Enjoy.

Wednesday January 7th, 2009

Today I learned something on my own in Chemistry.  It felt so good.  I got a right answer finding Instantaneous rates of reactions for N2O5 into O2 and N20.  Oh, that felt soooo good!

Sunday November 8, 2009
"The Story"
    At various times in ones life there are road signs and people that help direct the way.  Today there was such a marker for Rachel and I.  Scott and Marilyn, Rachel's parents, had over a couple that had, "just the neatest story."  Rachel and I heard such a story as we sat on the couch with the guests and listened to Brett and Laura Thorpe give the details of their past 15 years together. 
  1. The Thorpes were married right after Brett got home from his mission.  She wouldn't actually date him for three months, yet his persistence proved to be his strength, for more rewards than his wife.  They were married. He studied to be a Physical Therapist for 5 years as a Psychology major and minutes before sending out his resumes and applications to physical Assistance schools he called his wife. "Honey…" he said, "what would you say if I were to not apply yet and take the MCAT?"  "I'd say you're a fool."  was her reply.  Brett followed his 'foolish' heart and applied. With only a 29, Brett was accepted into a DO school in Missouri.  Laura's mother had a distinct impression that they would be going to U of U.  As they packed up to leave Utah her grandmother said, "I just can't figure out what's taking God so long."  Three months later, three months into his school, three months into Laura's child being born floppy and three months into the call to U of U.  The call came to Laura that Brett was admitted into the school as a default for a misrepresented female applicant.
  2. Throughout his residency and rotations Brett was thinking about being some sort of Cardiologist; all that thought was somehow changed when in one rotation he found himself laughing and enjoying his time with a couple of GI docs.  Brett's career was further determined and he is practicing Enterointestinal practices today.
  3. I found myself being excused after he and Laura accounted their stories. I went into the restroom, didn't even turn on the light and knelt down in prayer to my God.  My heart was pounding with ambition and desire; for I want to be a doctor.  I want so badly to one day tell my story.  I want so badly, to one day give hope to the many that find difficulty in the small hills that they are climbing at the time. I want to be a competitor and a fighter. I want to enable myself to become a more seasoned and able disciple of my Savior Jesus Christ. I know that these are strong words yet I desire to soar, not cluck.  I believe that as I do my best to live closely to the Spirit and listen to my wife, I will one day tell my story and assist the others that are striving for a more perfect life.
  4. I am young, I am inexperienced, but I can qualify for the Lord's help through prayer and daily striving for righteous living. I love it.
    • Michael lon Henderson

Wednesday November 18th 2009
As of today I have taken portions of the MCAT totally physical science three times, biological science once.  It is not very much and yet being in with a small group of 4 individuals I learned that I know nothing and that for the most part the answers that I got right on my test were lucky guesses.  If someone were to ask me to explain why I chose what I chose I would tell them some sort of logical guess.  That gives me no credit; but for th emost part if not some of the part, it is true. 
So today like I said, I was in a small room in the MARB and Spencer Peterson, Eric, Ila and I began discussing a portino of the Princton Review ® Physical Science practiceMCAT>  IT was good. I was very impressed with equatinos that Spencer knew off of the top of his head such as V=IR and how Ila was able to tie together the principles of Kinetic Energy and Potential Energy.
Short story is, I have so much studying to do!!  I look forward to the challenge. I have written down my goals to:
Take the MCAT in May of 2010
Send in Medical School applications June 2010
I am still deliberating upon the actuality of those goals. I can feel the reality of the work that wil lbe required at my hand and Rachel's wonderful beautiful hand for me to sacrifice to accomplish these!  I know that with the Lord I will be able to accomplish these.
After the study session I went to the weight room and put physics to the test!
-Michael Lon Henderson

Tuesday December 8th, 2009
A pivitol moment:

Tonight after refilling our baths on the tissue maton and preparing our mouse knees and TMJ's to go into the tissue maton I was washing our dishes talking to Dave Holt.  The conversation continued through as he was talking about lab members and some difficulties in procedures that they have had that he didn't find any problem with.  Dave also began talking about his preparations for Medical School…which led us into the pivitol moment.

Dave and I began talking about becoming a DO or a M.D.  In my mind a Medical Doctor opposed to a Doctor of O…  is much more respected. I talked with Dave and my mind begain to reflect and reconsider my idea of just doing an internship this summer and taking the mcat at the end of the summer and applying the following June. He told me that I should just go for it (being that this year I should take it and apply this june) what he said felt good. I am going to pray about it more and I meet with a councilor tomorrow. I believe that I will receive some additional council and direction in that regard.

I pray that I do what's best for Rachel and I and that whatever we do end up doing will be the best for our family I so pray!

_Michael Lon Henderson

Sunday January 3rd, 2010

Personal Revelation from God

Today while reading my patriarchle blessing I came to the sentence which states, "the touch of your hadn will be an influence for godo in the lives of others, especially those who are spiritually challenged." (p. 13)

A patriarchal blessing is one which is administered by one who is called of God.  This blessing states who I was before I came to this earth, it lists which tribe I am from (either directly through blood lineage or if not blood linked than due to baptism into the church which tribe I have been adopted into) and it can list many other things such as council at particular points in my life and or gifts and talents that I have been blessed with.  It also lists dangers and weaknesses that I have and what I must do to overcome them.  This patriarchal blessing has been an influence for good throughout y life and I feel that it is currently working on me so that I may discover what it is that I must focus on to become a provident provider for my small family at this point in my life and also what I must do to become what I am to become (including every aspect of my life: father, friend, sibling, son, wife's companion, doctor, teacher and councilor to others).

May 18, 2010

It has been  some time since I have written. I believe I could begin every entry just like that.  I hope that all of my activities wil be strengthened and concecrated by the hand of the Lord. I pray I may always remember whos hand it is that I receive all and each of my blessings.

I attended one of the neatest lectures today. Dr. Ye Fu Li from Harvard Medical and Dental school came and presented his findings and studies for our small research lab. He is a finominal scientest. I hope to learn as much as possible from him. I will enjoy these next few days. I must set goals so that I will accomplish much. Tomorrow I have a goal to be very maticulous in my observations as we begin creating a surgical model of OA in mice. How neat.


May 10, 2010

What an incredible day that was!  Dr. Ye Fu Li from Harvard along with his wife Yin Li, taught us the surgical procedure for inducing OA in the mouse knee joint. It was the funest microsurgery because of the fine movements and the careful hand that is required .  I was able to orient myself with a right knee and discover some of the surrounding ligaments, joints and bones. After I oriented myself the lab was pretty excited for lunch when there was still half of an hour before the 6' sub arrived so I took the mouse, shaved the hair from the left knee and went at it. I was able to locate the Medial Miniscus Tibial Ligament after some difficulty… however, I was able to get it done. I feel so blessed to be in this lab and to have the Li's join us and teach us this surgery. Ister li completed the surgery so quickly! She is very proficient and quick.  I was quickly impressed!

I completed my semester plan before I take the MCAT. It will be gruilling, yet reasonable. I hope to be exact in my studies and to do all that I can to succeed full heartedly in this test. I trust that I willl do very very well!  I pray I do. I also mapped out the activities that I have been apart in for the past 5 years. I havce really enjoyed life and worked hard. I apprecaite that a whole lot because it will be very helpful in my medical school resumes and will provide me with experiences that will be benificial in helping me to become the best medical student that I can be!  I hope to have a great weekend and to be focused on having fun yet stil completing my tests and studeis!  We've got this, with the Lord, all things are possible!


(That should get us up to speed at least until today...)

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