Tuesday, May 31, 2011

May 31, 2011

Medical Journal

Today was little difficult, that is for sure. I took my physiology Altius question set and got a 68%. I was stunned. I have now just been going over the questions which I got wrong and have realized that some of my physiology learning is a little outdated for the MCAT and that I must hone my specific knowledge such as the definition of an exocrine vs. endocrine gland, how glucose get's into neurons the small intestine and the kidney, and a little about the relative refractory period.  It is a little perturbing to have taught something for 6 semesters of college and still have so much to learn, but what a better time than right before the MCAT, I mean seriously. It is great.

I spoke with Austin tonight. He and I have been talking a lot for these past two weeks as he's embarked on his new adventure down in Lubbock at Texas Tech. It is exciting for me to think we will be neighbors and that we will be able to experience medical school together.  I hope to be of help and motivation to him and he has been to me. Today when he called I was just wrapping up a pretty difficult, but still productive, day of studying. His call helped me to gain the insight necessary to realize that it is by no means the end of the world and that it is best I get a lot wrong and continuously learn from it rather than get them all right, gain false confidence and then smurf the actuall test. It's best to be humble, work my tail off and then succeed in my efforts of attaining a good score because of my mind frame while I'm taking every single practice test and while I take the actual test.

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