Saturday, August 4, 2012

One week down 200 more to go

My librarian at the Health Science Center said something similiar to a student after the first day of Medical School.  "Well, how was your first day?" (they lied and said good or something) then the librarian said, "I'm glad to hear that. Well, one down, a couple thousand more to go..."  I just laughed out loud when I heard that.
I don't even know what to say right now.

Feelings about the week

  • It felt like a finals week at BYU
  • I've made more flashcards in one week than I think I did in a whole year in undergrad
  • I miss my wife and Jackson :-(
    • My BYU study buddy/road biking compadre told me (after I said I might not be able to meet up with him to study one day), "If you'e gotta spend time with your wife I understand. You'll see me more than you'll see her these next two year!" ...  ...
Stats from this week
  • I studied over 30 hours
  • Went to class over 22 hours
  • Biked to school two times
    • Got two flats
  • Watched the olympics 3 days (personal fav Missy Franklin)
  • Still worked out every day and got 7+ hrs. of sleep

Just want to throw a personal shout out to my wife. She made me lunch and dinner nearly every day this week. She's pretty incredible like that.  Our son hasn't been sleeping the best so she's been exhausted trying to help him and comfort him. I think she's going through more than me.

I KNOW with the Lord's help this is doable. Just from this week I've learned I need to constantly work to learn. By saying that I mean I must be willing to do study groups, extra time in the lab, talking things out with study buddies, making hundreds of flashcards (if that's the best way to learn that material), and writing things on white boards. Just crank it and learn it. I have found that I learn Anatomy best by seeing it or doing it. Flashcards are ok for specific points of anatomy but structure orientation must be learned by seeing it and talking about it. 

Whew. We did it.   One down, 200 more to go.  If I did one week then I can do next week. One week at a time baby!

-Dr. Mike (future)


  1. Is your BYU buddy Elliott Call?

    1. It definitely is! When Rachel was introducing herself to him and said she was from Kansas he asked us if we knew you... We just smiled. You're the man whitney. How's your medical school experience so far. Wanna do a guest post. Get some different experiences on this blog?
