August 16th, 2011 and Interviews are tomorrow!
I would totally like to update my blog tonight so it will be real time. Perhaps I'll publish this post. Tonight I went to a little meet and greet at J&B coffee shop on Boston and 26th. Just thinking right now, I would really like to know more for my interview tomorrow. I want to know why I would choose Texas Tech in Lubbock, what stands out for me. Why am I special? Yes, I've served an LDS mission, that is most definitely special. I have also worked in a lab for 2.5 years. That is great. I am special because I have been shot down on many occasions but I don't let it keep me down. I get back up again and again. I know what it is like to be both at the bottom of the pile and at the top of the pile. I have proven that time and time again.
Why do I want to go to medical school and become a doctor? I would like to engage myself in a profession that is intense and fulfilling. There has been little in my life that has fulfilled me as much as serving and lifting another. I find that as a doctor there are numerous occasions where I will be avle to lift and serve others, be they patients, nurses, co-workers or even custodians in the building. I have a passion for the sciences, I yearn to develop skills such as a surgeon or OBGYN, I like to feel valued and use that value for the benefit of others, such as being a doctor.
What are recent problems with Health Care today? Atul Gwande's work and article in the NYT about the 80 20 principle. And an overall lack of self discipline and care for one's body. I have seen it in the Caribbean, in my family life and in the lives of others as a volunteer at the ER. It is too easy to get medical help and because of that people take advantage of it.
I am ready for my interview. I have done much to prepare for this day and I will back up what I say by life examples. I am unique and I am determined to get into Texas Tech Health Science Center!
Amen. - MLH
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