Monday, June 13, 2011

MCAT Studying

This is simply an excerpt from my Journal. Enjoy the personalism:

I got just a little tired today.
I took a practice test in the morning and got 8-6-10.  For a total score of 24.  It was rough but some things I learned were that there are going to be very difficult passages on the MCAt. What I need to do as soon as I recongnize that they are difficult is get the main idea for every paragraph and highlight the supporting main idea details. By doing so I will be able to answer all of the passage questions. I will do well on the Verbal Reasoning…8 is what I am going to get. I will also get an 8 on the physical science and I will get a 10 on biology. This will make a 28 which is cutting it close to get into Texas Tech.

I will then take another MCAT in January and by studying every single day I will begin improving my verbal reasoning skills. Before I leave from BYU I am going to download loads and loads of articles from MUSE and other on-line journals that will increase my reading skills and by the end of 2011 I will have become an extremely proficient reader. I will become a reading machine so I can more effectively dominate on the MCAT. I will know every single equation and principle on the MCAt by diligent daily flash card study and hour study every day. I may miss out on some physical benefits from working out hard-core in the morning, but maybe I'll just ride my bike to work everyday or something. I'll figure out something so I can rock the MCAT because I am. I am.


-Michael Lon Henderson

(These are simply thoughts. As I shared before, they were an excerpt from my journal and as such contain mostly my current thoughts and feelings. I hope to do much better than simply a 28 on the MCAT and I want to express my deepest confidence that I will experience  a miracle of a sharp mind and confident heart on Thursday. Thursday is MY DAY!!)

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